Tag Archives: thankfulness

dog + cat

The cat- atop human bed. The dog – curled tight. The house – silent. I – gratefully living.  

the Mondays

I had a case of the Mondays this morning. Waking to cuddles in bed, warm and sleepy, my first words spoken to my guy were “Weekends aren’t long enough.” It’s true. Weekends aren’t long enough. Whomever constructed the five-day workweek was cruel. Really, if one day of the weekend is for chores and cleaning, then two more […]

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different." C.S. Lewis

Life is changing and I along with it.

Thursday was a difficult day. And, because G-d is balanced, today was an amazing day.  On Thursday I realized that I have things I need to let go of. People I need to grieve. Losses I need to stop blaming myself for. Feelings I need to have. Coping mechanisms I need to learn. Communication strategies […]

Better than best-friend

I’m not sure when I realized that my better-than-best friend was a fluffy, stinky (at times) German Shepherd-mix. It wasn’t the first day when she came home and I oohed and aahed over her tiny ears, fluffy tail and miniature puppy pads. I do remember thinking, “Let her be mine” and “Can I take on […]

Slice of Sweet Potato bar on plate drizzled with maple syrup

First fall recipe: Sweet Potato-Oatmeal Breakfast Bars

Sweet Potato Oatmeal Bar recipe follow at end of post. We are not officially in the season of fall- that will happen tomorrow. But, it has felt like fall for the past week. With the cooling down of the weather (especially in the mornings and evenings) has come a need for soft cotton pajamas and […]

Honey cake and crumbs

Honey cake + Challah

Recipe for Honey Cake follows at the end of the post. This past erev Shabbat I made challah and honey cake because it was also erev Yom Kippur. On Friday after sundown, we entered into 26-hours of fasting and atonement on the holiest day of the year in the Jewish calendar.  “For on this day […]


This morning I am thankful for: Having enough flexibility and self-love to hit the snooze button purposefully and set my alarm for one hour later than I originally anticipated to awake-giving myself the full eight hours of sleep that I need. My boyfriend’s cat, little gray fuzzball, affectionately known as fuzzy-kitten-head. From 6- 6:45 AM […]

The irony of missing Shabbat

I miss Shabbat. The irony is that I never really had Shabbat to begin with. I began coming into my understanding of Shabbat in February this year when I spent extended time with my boyfriend, K, and his family. The only time I have truly experienced Shabbat was in February of this year when I […]

Finding gravity

Yesterday I joined the JP Centre yoga studio with a two week new member pass. Today, was my first class- a community class. The studio focuses on Vinyasa, so I’m familiar with the practice. But, I’ve never had a class like today. Our instructor, Molly, asked everyone at the beginning of class to set an […]

Purim and puppies

And so, here we find myself at the end of another week. This Shabbat, I’m in Georgia as part of a 5 day visit with my family. It’s good to be home and around the love and joy of my parents, brother, sister-in-law, and my darling niecelet, Mackenzie. Despite being in Georgia and less able […]