Tag Archives: Boston


Despite my best efforts, I’m not a morning person. I once convinced myself that I was a morning person – working a job in which I rose between 5:00-6:00am to begin teaching at 7:30am. No thank you. Today I enjoy mornings on the deck; the dog sprawled out alongside me guarding me and her turf. […]

Protected: experiential wishlisting

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sunset - red sky at night

she leads our walks

“She leads our walks with thoughtless intention through the back lanes and side streets. This is how I come to know where I live.”

Salty air

This evening, I walked out of the tall gray building that is my job after completing a 12-hour workday. I had been cold inside, wrapped up in air conditioning and my sea-blue cotton-blend cardigan. I expected to feel colder and so braced myself for the Boston fall chill upon pressing against the glass exit doors. […]